Improve Life 101

Is declining health something we have to simply accept as part of getting older?

Our Purpose

We are living longer than ever before. But along with these increases in life expectancy are increases in the occurrence of age-related diseases. That is where the field of nutrigenomics comes in.

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Theories of Aging

We are living longer than ever before. But along with these increases in life expectancy are increases in the occurrence of age-related diseases.

Theories of Aging

We are living longer than ever before. But along with these increases in life expectancy are increases in the occurrence of age-related diseases.


Nutritional genomics, also known as nutrigenomics, is a science studying the relationship between human genome, nutrition, and health. Developing an understanding of how the whole body responds to a food via systems biology, as well as single gene/single food compound relationships.

Food & Nutrition

With the right food, we do not need medicine. FOOD IS MEDICINE because FOOD IS INFORMATION, and what we eat can have profound effects on our physical body. The right foods send signals to our genes to produce proteins that prevent disease, or we can choose to eat the wrong foods that send signals to our genes that can lead to disease.

Food & Nutrition

With the right food, we do not need medicine. FOOD IS MEDICINE because FOOD IS INFORMATION, and what we eat can have profound effects on our physical body. The right foods send signals to our genes to produce proteins that prevent disease, or we can choose to eat the wrong foods that send signals to our genes that can lead to disease.


EXERCISE IS A MIRACLE DRUG! Take it often, and you’ll live a longer healthier life. Your medical costs will be lower, you’ll sleep better at night, and your workdays will be more productive. Your mood will improve, and your risk of developing almost any chronic disease will drop. And it’s FREE!


Mindfulness is the practice of being aware in the moment without judgment. It means noticing your thoughts and reactions and physical sensations.

Mindfulness reduces stress and is a key to mental and physical health, enjoyment of life, and deep relationships, such as relationships with one’s children.


Mindfulness is the practice of being aware in the moment without judgment. It means noticing your thoughts and reactions and physical sensations.

Mindfulness reduces stress and is a key to mental and physical health, enjoyment of life, and deep relationships, such as relationship’s with one’s children.


” You already have the capacity for the life that is in your vision!”
– Mary Morrissey

For more information or to Schedule a Talk for your organization or group
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